Member Benefits

Membership in the MAABA makes a powerful statement about you. It shows employers, colleagues and clients your commitment to law and the legal profession.
There shall be seven (7) categories of members of this organization as set forth below:
A. ATTORNEYS MEMBERSHIP shall be open to practicing members in good standing of any State Bar who: (1) are of good moral character; (2) engage in any field of advocacy and are committed and devoted to the concept of the fair trial, the adversary system, the jury system and a just result for the injured and those whose constitutional or other legal rights are jeopardized; and (3) are not regularly engaged in the prosecution of criminal cases or in the defense of personal injury litigation, the defense of labor/employment litigation, or the defense of workers’ compensation litigation, and who are not employed by or associated with a law firm that regularly engages in such work.
B. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be conferred by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors upon persons who do not qualify for regular membership. Honorary members may not vote or hold office.
C. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be open to practicing members in good standing of the Bar of the State of California who are regularly engaged in the prosecution of criminal cases or in the defense of personal injury, labor/employment, or workers’ compensation litigation or are employed by or associated with a law firm that regularly engages in such work. Associate Members shall have limited access to the on-line member benefits, may not attend certain MAABA programs designated by the Board of Directors, and are ineligible to hold office or vote.
D. AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be open to an individual or entity who provides goods or services to attorneys who meet the description of Attorney members. Affiliate members shall have limited access to the on-line member benefits, may not attend certain MAABA programs designated by the Board of Directors, and are ineligible to hold office or vote.
E. ADR MEMBERSHIP shall be open to an individual who advertises or regularly acts as an alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) neutral, including a mediator, arbitrator, or private settlement conference judge. Advertising may include being listed on a panel of any commercial ADR provider, or mentioning ADR services in a signature block or on other marketing materials, such as a website or business card. ADR members shall have limited access to the on-line member benefits, may not attend certain MAABA programs as designated by the Board of Directors, and are ineligible to hold office or vote. Any individual who qualifies as a Regular Member or Associate Member but also meets the criteria for ADR Membership shall be deemed an ADR Member.
F. LEGAL ASSISTANTS, LAW SCHOOL GRADUATES AND LAW STUDENTS. Legal assistants, law school graduates not licensed to practice law and law students may be members of the MAABA as determined by the Board of Directors, who shall establish criteria of this category from time to time and shall establish its annual dues. Legal assistants, law school graduates and law student members shall have limited access to the on-line member benefits, may not attend certain MAABA programs designated by the Board of Directors, and are ineligible to hold office or vote. All members shall continue to be members in good standing upon the payment of dues and the continued adherence to the objectives of the Association and to the qualifications for membership.
Application for membership in this Association must be in writing, filed with the Secretary or Executive Director and accompanied by dues for the current year, and may be subject to the majority approval of the Board of Directors present at a meeting duly held.